07 November 2017 | Marrakesh, Morocco
On 10-12 October, the 6th IRTAD Conference “Better Road Safety Data for Better Safety Outcomes” took place in Marrakesh, Morocco.
The conference, organised by the International Transport Forum is aimed at promoting discussions between road authorities, universities and other stakeholders on how to improve the quality of data systems and analysis. The conference fostered knowledge transfer between conference participants through:
- Discussion of methodological issues to improve road safety data collection and analysis at country and city level.
- Showcasing recent initiatives to improve the quality of safety data collection and analysis.
- Presentation of recent research and analysis undertaken by the IRTAD Group.
The ERF, as a partner responsible for the update of the European Road Safety Observatory, was invited to give a presentation on the main achievements of ERSO and to contemplate future data needs. Amongst others, Konstandinos Diamandouros highlighted the need for more in-depth data on risk exposure, safety performance and economic and health indicators. In addition, he stressed the need for a more uniform approach to serious injuries through the adoption of MAIS3+ methodology.
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