The ERF/ENBF Technical Tour at Intertraffic 2022 results as a great success

01 April 2022 | Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

On Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st March, the European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the European Noise Barrier Federation (ENBF) organised a Technical Tour on the topic of Road Restraint Systems and combined safety and noise barriers.

This tour consisted of a series of 6 short presentations delivered by some ERF and ENBF members on their stands, addressing more particularly the topic of Vehicle restraint systems and combined safety and noise barriers. Each presentation had a format of some 20 minutes and was introduced by the ERF DG, Christophe Nicodème.

The speakers were:
• Patrick Asimus (Solosar – Heintzmann Group)
• Jeanne Foret (Aximum)
• Ottavia Calamani (AISICO)
• Gianni Brero (UNICMI & ENBF)
• Joseph Marra (GDTech)

This initiative, which came directly from the ERF and ENBF Members, was a first attempt to highlight the role of Safety Barriers for the road safety, during an exhibition like Intertraffic, on different stands, and in a more interactive and direct format.

The Technical Tour proved to be a success and the ERF and ENBF Members are more than keen to repeating this type of intervention on different future occasions.
ERF DG, Christophe Nicodème, commented: The Technical Tour during Intertraffic is a sign of the commitment of the ERF towards Roadside Safety, as well as the involvement of its members for the promotion of the activities they share in the Federation.

Presentations are available here: