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CEN Workshop on Infrastructure Resilience

15 January 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

On January 14th, the new CEN Workshop “Assessment of the resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events” kicked-off within the framework of the European Union FORESEE project.

The ERF will actively participate in the initiative that comes right after critical natural extreme events happened during last months as the biggest snowfall in 50 years that paralysed the transport system in Madrid, record cold waves in Benelux, or flooding that destroyed critical infrastructures in France, Italy and UK last autumn disrupting traffic flows for people and freight.

The CEN Workshop is gathering a group of experts from public administration, private sector, research and standardisation bodies to team-up during the coming months in order to develop a specific common methodology able to optimise resilience of transport infrastructures.

The first meeting served to introduce the working procedure and to appoint the governance body that included a Chairman (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) and Secretariat (UNE, Spain). It also approved the project “Guidelines for the assessment of resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events”, which will provide a guide to determine, firstly, how to measure the resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events and, secondly, how to set targets for resilience of transport infrastructure to potentially disruptive events both natural (i.e. floodings, heavy snowfalls, earthquakes) and manmade (i.e. accidents or terrorism).

Further information about FORESEE can be found here.

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