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Green light for the European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility

4 March 2021 | Brussels, Belgium

The new European Partnership on Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM) has been formally approved and will commence its activities in the coming months under the framework of the Horizon Europe.

During a virtual meeting held on March 3rd, main parties involved in the creation attended an informative session detailing the latest steps for the formalisation of the initiative: revised version of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), Memorandum of Understanding between parties and the corresponding CCAM association that was created in December 2020.

The SRIA, currently under review and waiting for finalisation, will be the basis of all the partnership activities setting four main objectives:

  • Validated safety and security, improved robustness and resilience of CCAM technologies and systems
  • Secure and trustworthy interaction between road users, CCAM and “conventional” vehicles, infrastructure and services to achieve safer and more efficient transport flows (people and goods) and better use of infrastructure capacity
  •  High public acceptance and adoption of CCAM solution by 2030 with a clear understanding of its benefits and limits as well as rebound effects
  • Better coordination of public and private R&I actions, large-scale testing and implementation plans in Europe

The Public-Private Partnership will enhance further collaboration between the Commission, Member States and main stakeholders facilitating specific R&I actions to transform mobility while supporting European leadership in the field of safe and sustainable road transport through automation.

The ERF will join the CCAM association providing knowledge and experience from the physical road infrastructure side and specially from the markings and signs sectors. In this sense, a strong understanding and cooperation between mobility suppliers (ADAS manufacturers), automotive industry and physical infrastructure (road elements manufacturers, road owners and managers, construction and maintenance companies, standardization bodies) will be necessary for a successful deployment of automated and safe mobility in Europe.

It is expected that the public launch of the CCAM Partnership by the European Commission will happen during the European Conference on Connected and Automated Driving (EUCAD 2021) next 20-22 April 2021.

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