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The International Forum “Intelligent Transport Systems of Russia”

27-28 September 2016 | Moscow, Russia

The Forum is organised by J Comm LLP and is supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal Road Agency, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, GLONASS and the European Union Road Federation.

The Forum intends to bring on the federal level the discussion about the growth of information technologies market and the existing system-wide implementation of intelligent systems into transport infrastructure.

The goal of the Forum is to consolidate opinions of all the participants of the intelligent transport systems market at all levels such as the federal road network, railroad transport, magapolises and the regions of the Russian Federation. It is essential to work out further steps to ensure cooperation between executive authorities, commercial companies, scientific institutes and international experts.

On behalf of the organisers we would like to invite you to take part in the International Forum “Intelligent transport systems of Russia”

For more information contact the Forum Director, Mr Anton Zhuravlev 

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