
Gold member

Gold member

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Silver member

Silver member

ERF members share a common value: defend the importance of the roads for Europe economy and society.

Industry sector

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Aisico (Italy)
Avery Dennison (The Netherlands)
CSI SPA (Italy)
CSI SPA (Italy)
Delta Bloc GmbH (Austria)
Delta Bloc GmbH (Austria)
Distriroute (France)
Distriroute (France)
Dow Europe (Switzerland)
EBE Solutions (Germany)
Eurovia (France)
Eurovia (France)
GDTech (Belgium)
GDTech (Belgium)
Geveko (Sweden)
Geveko (Sweden)
Helios Group (Slovenia)
Helios Group (Slovenia)
Hill & Smith Infrastructure LTD (UK)
Hofmann, Road Marking Systems ( Germany)
Kraton Chemical B.V. (The Netherlands)
MEISER (Germany)
MEISER (Germany)
Nippon Carbite Industries (Netherlands)
Nippon Carbide Industries (Netherlands)
Nissen (Germany)
Nynas Bitumen (Sweden)
Nynas Bitumen (Sweden)
Orafol (Germany)
Orafol (Germany)
PASS+CO (Germany)
Prismo Road Markings Limited (UK)
REBLOC Concrete Barriers (Austria)
Reflective Measuremebt Systems (Ireland)
Reflective Measuremebt Systems (Ireland)
Roads General Authority (Saudi Arabia)
Röhm GmbH (Germany)
Routes de France (France)
Routes de France (France)
Saferoad Group
Secutec (Poland)
Secutec (Poland)
Silnicni Vyvoj ZDZ (Czech Republic)
Silnicni Vyvoj ZDZ (Czech Republic)
Snoline S.P.A. (Italy)
Snoline S.P.A. (Italy)
Spengler (Germany)
Stalprodukt (Poland)
Stalprodukt (Poland)
Swarco (Austria)
TERTU (France)
TERTU (France)
Triflex (Netherlands)
Triflex (Netherlands)
UNICMI (Italy)

Association sector

Association of Consulting Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Asociación Española de la Carretera (Spain)
Asociación Española de la Carretera (Spain)
Bulgarian Branch Association Road Safety (Bulgaria)
Bulgarian Branch Association Road Safety (Bulgaria)
Confederation of Organisation in Road Transport Enforcement - CORTE (Belgium)
Confederation of Organisation in Road Transport Enforcement - CORTE (Belgium)
Hrvatsko Dru©tvo za Ceste (Croatia)
Croatian Road Society (Croatia)
Eupave (Belgium)
Eupave (Belgium)
Eurobitume (Belgium)
Eurobitume (Belgium)
European Asphalt Pavement Association (Belgium)
European Asphalt Pavement Association (Belgium)
European Noise Barrier Federation - ENBF (Belgium)
European Noise Barrier Federation - ENBF (Belgium)
Gesellschaft für Strassen und Verkehrswesen (Austria)
Gesellschaft für Strassen und Verkehrswesen (Austria)
Highway Resource Solutions (UK)
Polish Road Congress (Poland)
Polish Road Congress (Poland)
Road Federation Belgium (Belgium)
Road Federation Belgium (Belgium)
Road Safety Markings Association
Road Safety Markings Association
Studiengesellschaft für Stahlschutzplanken e.V. (Germany)
Studiengesellschaft für Stahlschutzplanken e.V. (Germany)
Scandinavian Road Markings Association - SVMF
Syndicat des Equipements de la Route - SER (France)
Syndicat des Equipements de la Route - SER (France)

Research/Academia sector

Technical University of Athens (Greece)
Technical University of Athens (Greece)
Zagreb University (Croatia)
Zagreb University (Croatia)

Notified body

ASQUER (France)
ASQUER (France)
COPRO (Belgium)
how can we help you?

Please let us know if you have a question, want to leave a comment, or would like further information.

Services to the members:

  • Advocacy on European Road Policy and other institutional activities
  • Information on latest technical road infrastructure developments
  • Access and participation to dedicated Working Groups
  • Strategic consultation over areas of interest including research initiatives
  • Networking with major stakeholders within and outside the EU
  • Transfer of knowledge by means of dedicated support for organisation of technical events and trainings
  • Participation to International Seminars and Congresses.

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