28 March 2018 | Nice, France
The Pavement Preservation and Recycling Summit (PPRS2018) closed its second edition in Nice (France) on 28 March. Around 1000 attendants participated in 16 dedicated sessions to maintenance on the infrastructure asset complemented by three major plenary sessions.
While the first edition aimed at raising awareness of regulators and decision-makers, this year´s event represents a continuation in the action by identifying and promoting successful experiences to develop a road infrastructure safer, smarter and more sustainable following latest mobility trends.
PPRS is the response of the industry to the current challenges faced by the transport sector. Concretely, the 3–days event had the main objectives main objectives:
- Discussion of current road maintenance and modernisation practices including follow-up of conclusions adopted during last summit in Paris
- Identification of opportunities, solutions to overcome challenges and adaption to new social, economic and environmental scenario
- Incorporation of latest technologies and innovative solutions to achieve policy goals in the mobility sector both in urban and non-urban areas
The event has been consolidated as a unique opportunity for all stakeholders, from public and private sectors, to present their latest developments and get better acquainted with good practices from like-minded professionals around the globe.