29 April 2016 | Manama, Bahrain
A two-day Road Safety Training session was organised by the ERF in the premises of the Ministry of Works of the Kingdom of Bahrain on 25 and 26 April to share knowledge and good practices with public officials.
This event took place further to an official invitation from the Bahraini Ministry of Works, in order to provide the engineers of the Ministry with updated information about the European regulations in terms of Road Safety, as a clear recognition of the ERF expertise in this field at international level.
The programme covered the general aspects of the European framework for Road Safety, but also addressed more particularly the topics of Vehicle Restraint Systems, Road Markings, Road Signs and Safety in Work Zones.
International experts from the ERF were present to share their knowledge and experience with local engineers of the Ministry. All sessions offered the opportunity of extensive debates and discussions between all participants.
Joint Manifesto: #MoreEUbudget4transport
April 2, 2024