15th ASECAP Road Safety Conference

- March 21 – 22, 2023
- Stiftung Mozarteum, Salzburg (Austria)
Human behaviour is a major key to a safer road and the most difficult area in a Safe System Approach. ASECAP and its members consider road safety as a priority mission and therefor Road safety campaigns – from billboards to social media – are an important tool to reach this aim.
Safety campaigns are only successful if a positive change in behaviour can be achieved. Marketing and customer relation is a core business of ASECAP members, there is a long and successful experience to work with road user target groups and clear communication on different levels. Within the 15th ASECAP Road Safety Conference experts and decision makers are willing to learn from this specific knowledge, discuss and find new possibilities for new Safety Campaigns.
Speakers and Audience will come from several European countries and institutions, from ASECAP members and partners in Road Safety like Traffic Police, Road Administration, politics and industry. Creating a Safe System is a shared responsibility and an obligation to move forward by sharing knowledge and creating new possibilities.
Registration is free of charge and available at the link hereunder: