International Conference on Road Safety

- November 9 – 10, 2023
- 9th NOVEMBER – Roma, MAXXI Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo 10th NOVEMBER – Pereto (AQ), AISICO Test House&LAB
The Third Edition of the International Conference on Road Safety will take place on 9th – 10th November 2023 (in Rome on the 9th November and in AISICO test lab the day after).
Main topic of the conference – organized by AISICO, ERF – European Union Road Federation and IntOroads – International Organization for Road Safety – will be the “passive safety”.
A more extended focus, than in past editions, on all road equipments present along urban and extra-urban roads and with the intention of stimulating a debate between different points of view public institutions, road operators, road users, manufacturers.
Registration fee of charge but subject to seat availability.
The secretariat reserves to confirm or not reservation according to available seats.
If you are interested, please fill the registration form.