Online Workshop “Unleashing road infrastructure potential for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)”

- April 23, 2020
- 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm
- Web Conference via GoToMeeting
The introduction of technologies related to connectivity, automation, electrification and digitalization has kicked-off a challenging and exciting transformation of the transport sector which will be characterised by an equally challenging transition period to a new ecosystem. While most of the progress and debate around these issues has been so far centred around the vehicles, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the road infrastructure sector will play a significant role in ensuring that all the relevant parts of this new ecosystem work together and in the same direction, namely: ensuring seamless, safe, efficient, and overall sustainable transport.
This workshop session will provide insights into the role, the vision and challenges of the road infrastructure sector in this transition period towards Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM). It will do so by hearing from key stakeholders such as road operators, road markings and road signage providers, technology providers, researchers. They will debate regulatory and policy challenges, technological innovations, future workforce needs and key priorities that need to be addressed now in order to prepare an adequate response to the development and operation needs of the roads of the future.
This workshop will take place online through GoToMeeting and is organized by the International Road Federation (IRF) – Geneva in collaboration with the European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the European Association of Tollway Operators (ASECAP) and along with key players from the road and transport sectors: SWARCO, 3M, HELLASTRON, CERTH and many more.