What place for infrastructure preservation and upgrading in the next MFF ?

What place for infrastructure preservation and upgrading in the next MFF ?

  • September 25, 2018
  • 6:00 pm
  • European Parliament (ROOM P5B001) Brussels, Belgium

What place for infrastructure preservation and upgrading in the next MFF ?#Invest4Future

As the condition of Europe’s ageing transport network has become a major issue in terms of competitiveness and territorial cohesion, modernization appears a key element to tackle long term challenges facing the EU : climate change, road safety, accessibility at regional and very local scale and as recently declared, military mobility.

In this context, how to ensure proper level of #EUinvestment for the maintenance and upgrade of the network in a context of scarcity of public resources ?

What role can CEF, Structural funds and the upcoming #InvestEU play in improving the daily life of millions of European commuters and transporters ?
