23 September 2019 | Pereto, Italy
The International Conference on Road Safety for Motorcyclist – jointly organized by AISICO and ERF – took place in AISICO test lab premises in Pereto (Italy) on 20th September: this successful event gathered some 200 participants, with representatives from the industry, European Associations and Academics.
The great variety of point of views generated a constructive dialogue and allowed to get different insights on the topic, not only technical and regulatory (like for example updates on the European Norm EN-1317), but also addressed health and biomechanical issues, thus covering a broad range of topics related to the safety of motorcyclist.
Thanks to the organisation of the conference in crash tests premises, the programme of the day also included 3 crash tests and offered the possibility to analyse and discuss their results through videos and pictures during the conference.
A high attendance of ERF members was registered, marking once more the active involvement of ERF and its network in the Road Safety matters: ERF is supporting Road safety through different channels as events, publications, working groups.
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