FOTsis (European Field Operational Test on Safe, Intelligent and Sustainable Road Operation) is a large-scale field testing of the road infrastructure management systems needed for the operation of seven close-to-market cooperative I2V, V2I & I2I technologies (the FOTsis Services), in order to assess in detail both 1) their effectiveness and 2) their potential for a full-scale deployment in European roads.
Specifically, FOTsis will test the road infrastructure s capability to incorporate the new cooperative systems technology and provide the following services in four European Test-Communities (Spain, Portugal, Germany and Greece) regrouping 9 Test-Sites:
Using an integral and comprehensive approach, FOTsis will therefore review the road infrastructure and communication networks required to secure a proper connectivity from the traffic control centres (and all the information they already have available, enhanced with the V2I data) with the users/vehicles.
Relying on the common European and open ITS architecture guideline proposal (supported by the project COMeSafety), able to incorporate available and future ITS services and systems, FOTsis aims to contribute to the safety, mobility and sustainability challenges faced nowadays by the European road transport system.
The project represents a major step forward to better connect vehicles, infrastructures and traffic management centres, the main focus being placed on the responsibilities of the road operator.