Research in the field of road safety is often developed in a negative framework; thus, it is usual to analyse roa d, us er and vehicle conditions after an accident.
There are many road sections along the European network that, despite the same density of traffic flow and similar road infrastructure features, register fewer accidents. These sections can usually be found before and after stretches of road that are characterised by a high level of accidents.
This proposal seeks to provide a positive approach to road safety. Starting from the assumption that more useful information can be obtained analysing road sections with low road accident frequency, the project aims at identifying the best road sections in Europe and comparing them to the adjacent stretches characterised by a higher volume of accidents.The concept suggested will be called “white spot”, in clear opposition to the so-called “black spot”, following the initial experience on “white spots” and “white roads” in Spain.
The undertaking of such a comparative analysis will enable the project to highlight the factors responsible for a lower accident frequency, in spite of similar traffic volumes and road infrastructure characteristics. The conclusion will take the form of a white roads checklist and will complement existing Guidelines for the design, maintenance and management of “roads without accidents” (RIPCORD-ISEREST) as well as expected guidelines at member state level, as laid down by Directive 2008/96/CE.