Road Network 2023

2.1 Length of total road network by category(*) by country, end of 2020* (km)

Motorways Main or National Roads Secondary or regional roads Other roads** Total
BE 1763 13 229 1349 138 869 155 210
BG 806 2883 4019 12 209 19 917
CZ 1298 5808 48 685 74 919 130 710
DK 1 354 2 606 70 975  74 935
DE 13 192 37 826 178 703  —  229 721
EE  199 3 811 12 655 42 181  58 846
IE  995 4 314 13 120 80 548  98 977
EL 2 145 9 299 30 864 75 600  117 908
ES 15 722 14 920 134 827 501 053  666 522
FR 11 660 9 698 378 834 704 999 1 105 191
HR 1 310 7 137 9 456 8 846  26 749
IT 6 977 23 305 137 283 67 927  235 492
CY  257 5 461 2 431 4 990  13 139
LV  — 1 673 5 453 62 327  69 453
LT  400 6 679 14 559 50 982  72 620
LU  165  839 1 891  19  2 914
HU 1 774 30 621 183 155  215 550
MT  —  520 2 120  2 640
NL 2 789 2 714 7 817 128 041  141 361
AT 1 749 10 762 23 555 91 916  127 982
PL 1 712 17 765 153 586 257 204  430 267
PT 3 065 6 469 4 791  —  14 325
RO  920 16 993 35 085 33 793  86 791
SI  616 5 925 32 143  38 684
SK  521 3 634 13 975 39 671  57 801
FI  933 12 518 13 484 50 973  77 908
SE 2 179 13 499 136 964 43 008  195 650
ME  — 8 412  8 412
MK  335  897 3 794 9 786  14 812
RS  928 3 865 9 662 30 453  44 908
TR 3 523 30 974 34 136 187 695  256 328
IS  41 4 370 3 380 5 158  12 949
NO  580 10 489 44 701 39 480  95 250
CH 1 544  710 17 278 63 742  83 274

Source: Eurostat [road_if_roadsc], International Road Federation ( (BE, EL, LU, MT, IS), national statistics

*BE end of 2015; EL: 2018; IT, ES end of 2019; LU: 2018 (other roads); for MT end of 2017;
CY: other road network includes forest gravel roads
**: the definition of road types varies from country to country, the data are therefore not fully comparable. MT, CY: data for 2016
“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.

2.2 Length of total road network by country, 2020 (km)

“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
IT, ES end of 2019
MT end of 2017

2.3 Density of the total road network in EU countries, 2020 (km road/ km² land area)

Source: EC

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
IT, ES end of 2019
MT end of 2017

2.4 Length of motorway network in EU countries, 2020 (km)

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
IT, ES end of 2019
MT end of 2017

2.5 Proportion of motorways compared to the total road network in EU countries, 2020 (%)

Source: EC
BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
IT, ES end of 2019
MT end of 2017

2.6 Density of motorways in EU countries, 2020 (km motorway per 100 km² land area)

Source: Eurostat, EC

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
IT, ES end of 2019
MT end of 2017

2.7 Passenger cars per km of motorway in EU countries, 2020

Stock at end of year, except for BE: 1 August (1 July in 2012), CH: 30 September.
Taxis are usually included.
HR: from 2009 light vans are included in passenger cars and no longer in goods vehicles
FR: provisional data for 2020

2.8 Transport network Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2020 (thousand km)

EU 27 USA (1) Japan (2) China(4) Russia(3)
Road network
4.467,0 4.577 1.012 4.945 1.189
Motorway network 74,5 92,8 9,2 161,0 57,0
Railway network 200,1 196,6 18,9 146,3 85,5
Electrified rail lines 113,3  – 11,7 100,4 44,0

Source: Chapter 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7, International Transport Forum (fatalities data for JP, RU all data) , Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (JP, CN), national statistics (CN, JP, US)

(1): Divided highways with 4 or more lanes (rural or urban interstate, freeways, expressways, arterial and collector) with full access control by the authorities. For the railways data:a sum of partly overlapping networks.
(2): Japan: national expressways.2019 data.
(3): RU: roads of federal importance. 2019 data
(4): China: both oil and gas pipelines

2.9 Density of motorways Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2020 (km motorway per km² land area)

Source: EC

2.10 Passenger cars per km of motorway. Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2020

Source: Eurostat, International Road Federation, International Transport Forum, Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, national statistics

2.11 Cars/1000 person in EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2020

Source: EC