Road Maintenance and Investment 2023

4.1 Gross investment spending in road infrastructure in selected countries, 2017 - 2021 (at current prices and exchange rates - million Euros)

Country/Year 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
AT 515 463 562,0 548 480
BE 656 681 735,0 607 1311
BG 115 883 528,2 525,1 152
HR 197 286 354,8 442,0 537
CZ 984 1045 1383 1641 1817
DK 1066 1084  —  —  —
EE 197 219 220,0 244 281
FI 1235 1526 1522,0 1444 1375
FR 9080 9884 10413 9631 10153
DE 13520 15810 16750 17090 16450
EL 3895 2158 741 781 731
HU 1280 1780 2289 1820 1894
IE 547 693 837  —  —
IT 3409 6555 4310 4393  —
LV 226 221 223 198 201
LT 345 325 352 466 434
LU 226 189 260 246  —
PL 3210 2669 2415 3208 3170
RO 2134 2182  —  —  —
SK 750 769  — 752,2 1113
SI 217 330 306 235 299
ES 3690 3518 3445 3927 3959
SE 2374 2497 2503 2942 2911
AL 159 169 176 223 265
MK 195 148 232 165 191
RS 506 443 584  —  —
IS 91 99 92 107 104
NO 3718 4061 4052 3273  —
CH 3930 3817 4301 4700  —

Source: ITF, OECD
Note: the data coverage varies significantly from a country to another, mainly due to the lack of more detailed common definitions and the difficulty for countries to change their data collection system.
Data extracted on 11 July 2023 from OECD.Stat

4.2 Investment in inland transport infrastructure in selected EU countries, 2021 (as a percentage of GDP, at current prices)

Source: ITF at the OECD

Data extracted on 11 Jul 2023 10:27 UTC (GMT) from OECD.Stat
No data for: NL, PT, CY, MT
DK: 2018, IE: 2019, IT: 2020, LU:2020, RO: 2018

4.3 Volume of investment in inland transport infrastructure in selected areas, 2000 - 2021 (Euro) billion euros

No data for Russia in 2021
Source: ITF

4.4 Distribution of infrastructure investment between modes in EU 27, 2000-2021 (Euros, current prices, current exchange rates)

Note: For Road and Rail no data for CY
For IWI no data for CY, IE

Source: ITF

4.5 Maintenance expenditures in road infrastructure in selected countries, 2017-2021 (at current prices and exchange rates - million Euros)

GEO/TIME 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
AT 687 726  752  791  899
BE 397  216 213 155 498
BG  164    257  213 379 152
HR 172 193 257 239  244
CZ 721 871 982 884  1.138
DK  1.118 1.151   —   —   —
EE 42 39 43 43 45
FI  549  543  494 674 618
FR  2.369 2.371  2.327   2.371  2.541
HU  369  380  376  387 337
IE  81 88  75   —   —
IT  8.803  7.352   6.813 7.130   —
LV   179  202 180  259 288
LT 151 144 147 140 146
LU  54 67 40 39   —
PL  517  465  481  504 557
SK 230 296   — 232  360
SI 117 115  122 139  134
SE 1.035  1.033  1.000  1.028  1.230
Total 17.755 16.509   14.514  15.393   9.187
AL   14  13  13   9  22
RS   203    298  343 369  404
TR 229 236   326 372  364
IS  68  83   71 68  74
CH  2.709 2.593  2.634 2.785   —

Source: ITF
Notes: No data for NL, PT a,d RO

4.6 Maintenance expenditures in road infrastructure in selected countries, 2002 - 2019 (million Euros)

Source: ITF
Note: No data for CY
Drop in the curb is explained by the fact that for 2019 no data for NL, PT, RO, DK and SI