Passenger Transport 2023

6.1 Transport of passengers by mode in EU 27, 1995-2020 (billion pkm)

Passenger Cars P2W Bus&Coach Railway Tram & metro Air Sea Total
1995 3 284  108  468  313  64  237  23 4 496
1996 3 343  110  473  315  65  251  23 4 580
1997 3 412  114  476  313  65  267  22 4 670
1998 3 507  118  478  312  66  280  22 4 783
1999 3 611  121  479  317  67  291  22 4 908
2000 3 660  99  496  339  68  313  21 4 997
2001 3 734  103  496  340  69  311  22 5 074
2002 3 789  105  493  332  69  305  22 5 115
2003 3 826  108  496  327  70  317  22 5 166
2004 3 878  111  500  332  72  338  22 5 254
2005 3 839  115  498  340  73  361  21 5 247
2006 3 875  114  498  349  75  376  21 5 308
2007 3 921  110  508  353  76  392  21 5 382
2008 3 932  114  514  367  79  384  22 5 412
2009 4 009  112  490  359  79  362  22 5 433
2010 3 976  114  482  358  81  377  22 5 411
2011 3 944  118  486  364  81  409  20 5 421
2012 3 898  115  482  367  82  402  19 5 365
2013 3 957  115  481  372  82  406  19 5 432
2014 4 013  117  476  376  82  426  19 5 510
2015 4 101  117  493  382  80  452  19 5 645
2016 4 185  119  498  387  83  493  18 5 782
2017 4 229  112  479  401  84  538  20 5 863
2018 4 257  107  484  407  87  572  21 5 935
2019 4 300  111  488  421  87  585  21 6 013
2020 3 583  100  294  227  54  178  10 4 446
1995 -2020 9,1% -7,4% -37,3% -27,3% -15,6% -25,0% -54,6% -1,1%
per year 0,4% -0,3% -1,9% -1,3% -0,7% -1,2% -3,2% -0,0%
2000-2020 -2,1% 0,9% -40,9% -32,9% -20,6% -43,2% -51,6% -11,0%
per year -0,1% 0,0% -2,7% -2,1% -1,2% -2,9% -3,7% -0,6%
2019-2020 -16,7% -10,0% -39,8% -46,0% -38,2% -69,6% -51,0% -26,1%

Source: EC

Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-27 transport; estimates for air and for sea based on Eurostat data. The time series for maritime activity from 1995 to 2004 and for aviation activity from 1995 to 2007 have been recalibrated by DG MOVE in line with the new EU-27 figures to avoid break in series.
P2W: Powered two-wheelers

6.2 Evolution of passenger transport by mode in EU 27, 1995-2019

Source: EC
Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-27 transport; estimates for air and for sea based on Eurostat data. The time series for maritime activity from 1995 to 2004 and for aviation activity from 1995 to 2007 have been recalibrated by DG MOVE in line with the new EU-27 figures to avoid break in series.

6.3 Passenger transport modal split in EU 27, 2020 (pkm in %)

Source: EC
Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-27 transport; estimates for air and for sea based on Eurostat data. The time series for maritime activity from 1995 to 2004 and for aviation activity from 1995 to 2007 have been recalibrated by DG MOVE in line with the new EU-27 figures to avoid break in series.
P2W: Powered two-wheelers

6.4 Modal split of passenger transport on land by country in EU countries, 2020 ( billion pkm and pkm in %)

Passenger cars
(billion pkm)
Passenger  cars (%) Buses and coaches
(billion pkm)
Buses and coaches (%)   Railways
(billion pkm)
Railways (%) Urban rail
(tram & metro)
(billion pkm)
Urban rail
(tram & metro) (%)
(billion pkm)
BE 93,1 84,32 8,9 8,04 7,5 6,79 0,9 0,01 110,4
BG 51,0 88,17 5,0 8,70 1,1 1,93 0,7 0,01 57,9
CZ 68,9 77,73 9,4 10,56 6,6 7,47 3,8 0,04 88,7
DK 58,5 86,95 4,5 6,76 3,9 5,86 0,3 0,00 67,3
DE 809,2 88,66 34,0 3,73 57,8 6,33 11,7 0,01 912,7
EE 12,4 86,71 1,6 10,87 0,3 1,84 0,1 0,01 14,3
IE 51,8 86,14 7,4 12,27 0,8 1,39 0,1 0,00 60,1
EL 92,7 86,04 13,3 12,36 0,6 0,59 1,1 0,01 107,7
ES 298,2 88,64 21,0 6,25 12,1 3,58 5,1 0,02 336,4
FR 629,8 85,97 37,0 5,05 59,2 8,08 6,6 0,01 732,6
HR 20,2 87,38 2,1 8,97 0,4 1,94 0,4 0,02 23,1
IT 488,3 85,29 57,8 10,09 22,3 3,89 4,2 0,01 572,5
CY 6,2 87,50 0,9 12,50  —  — 7,0
LV 14,8 88,79 1,4 8,29 0,4 2,48 0,1 0,00 16,6
LT 28,5 94,16 1,5 5,06 0,2 0,78  — 30,3
LU 7,1 86,56 0,8 10,17 0,3 3,28 0,0  — 8,2
HU 63,9 76,97 12,4 14,96 4,9 5,85 1,8 0,02 83,0
MT 2,4 86,06 0,4 13,94  —  — 2,8
NL 105,2 89,71 2,4 2,08 9,2 7,82 0,5 0,00 117,3
AT 65,2 73,90 8,3 9,38 7,4 11,40 7,4 0,08 88,2
PL 224,1 86,67 19,3 7,46 12,6 6,70 2,6 0,01 258,6
PT 86,7 92,37 3,9 4,19 2,6 4,10 0,7 0,01 93,9
RO 100,9 79,60 18,7 14,75 3,7 4,50 3,4 0,03 126,8
SI 24,3 91,24 2,0 7,49 0,3 2,50  — 26,6
SK 25,3 80,70 3,7 11,95 2,1 7,00 0,2 0,01 31,3
FI 64,1 86,29 6,8 9,15 2,8 5,20 0,6 0,01 74,3
SE 90,2 82,74 9,0 8,26 8,1 8,90 1,7 0,02 109,0
EU 27 3582,95 86,18% 293,56 7,06% 227,26 5,47% 53,88 1,30% 4.157,65

Source: national statistics, International Transport Forum, Eurostat, , study for DG Energy and Transport

6.5 Passenger vehicles in EU countries, 2020

Stock of registered
passenger cars
Stock of registered
Stock of registered buses & coaches (thousand)
BE 5.888,6 718,6 16,4
BG 2.866,8 206,3 19,5
CZ 6.049,3 1.680,3 20,0
DK 2.723,7 195,9 12,3
DE 48.248,6 4.661,6 75,5
EE 808,7 60,7 5,3
IE 2.234,4 44,8 10,4
EL 5.492,2 1.637,6 26,5
ES 24.716,9 5.627,7 63,4
FR 38.346,3 3.058,0 93,5
HR 1.746,3 158,9 5,2
IT 39.717,9 9.630,9 99,9
CY 578,2 40,4 2,7
LV 739,1 64,4 4,1
LT 1.565,5 60,9 7,7
LU 433,2 32,2 2,3
HU 3.920,8 194,6 17,0
MT 308,4 32,1 2,2
NL 8.793,6 1.993,1 9,3
AT 5.091,8 884,5 10,1
PL 25.113,9 3.069,2 124,5
PT 5.566,0 162,1 15,2
RO 7.274,7 162,1 54,2
SI 1.170,7 140,3 2,3
SK 2.440,0 154,4 8,2
FI 3.632,9 636,5 19,3
SE 4.943,3 713,4 13,5
EU 27 250.411,3 36.021,3 740,3
ME 210,1 5,8 1,0
MK 429,2 12,8 2,6
AL 539,5 41,6 7,6
RS 2.164,8 77,0 9,9
TR 13.099,0 3.512,6 705,8

Source: EC
National vehicle stock data do not always include all powered two-wheelers and are therefore not fully comparable between countries.
Tricycles and quads are sometimes included in the data.
Data include buses, coaches, minibuses and sometimes also trolleybuses.
Taxis are usually included.
Stock at end of year, except for BE: 1 August
FR: include private cars < 15 years old

6.6 Motorisation in EU countries, 2020

Motorisation (number of passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants)
BE 509
BG 414
CZ 565
DK 466
DE 580
EE 608
IE 446
EL 514
ES 521
FR 567
HR 433
IT 670
CY 645
LV 390
LT 560
LU 682
HU 403
MT 597
NL 503
AT 570
PL 664
PT 540
RO 379
SI 555
SK 447
FI 656
SE 476
EU27 560
ME 338
MK 207
AL 191
RS 315
TR 157

Source: EC
Notes: Passenger car stock at end of year n divided by the population on 1 January of year n+1

6.7 Passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants in EU countries, 2020

Motorisation (number of passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants)
BE 510
BG 414
CZ 579
DK 475
DE 583
EE 620
IE 456
EL 536
ES 525
FR 571
HR 465
IT 675
CY 655
LV 404
LT 574
LU 681
HU 415
MT 601
NL 502
AT 572
PL 687
PT 544
RO 400
SI 564
SK 459
FI 656
SE 477
EU 27 567

Source: Eurostat

6.8 Motorcycle registrations in EU countries, 2016-2021

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
BE 26.015 22.948 25.281 25.503 26.727 26.645
BG 850 829 900 970 824 1.106
CZ 17.842 15.915 17.268 18.697 21.508 22.011
DK 2.987 2.834 3.465 3.208 3.678 3.814
DE 182.066 138.286 153.287 163.370 216.401 195.257
EE 1.145 671 708 824 913 1.132
IE 1.435 1.310 1.369 1.881 1.618 2.256
EL 41.486 28.852 33.377 38.109 35.464 44.437
ES 158.082 141.957 161.535 180.297 158.905 169.577
FR 182.650 170.849 183.669 202.204 195.870 210.497
HR 3.740 4.436 6.057 7.164 5.971 2.155
IT 193.072 204.850 219.673 232.326 216.979 272.040
CY 1.971 1.996 2.023 1.937 2.541 2.939
LV 651 628 806 981 1.028 1.283
LT 4.220 4.614 4.860 5.985 730 1.105
LU 1.733 1.802 1.936 1.194 2.334 2.622
HU 2.356 2.384 3.126 4.160 4.347 4.681
MT 2.470 2.216 2.410 2.447 2.253 3.365
NL 12.575 12.740 13.062 13.964 14.558 15.270
AT 46.840 43.556 40.417 29.877 34.638 35.177
PL 83.250 70.610 75.266 84.195 81.571 81.443
PT 22.596 25.770 29.640 31.901 30.361 35.117
RO 1.957 2.107 2.692 3.908 5.811 6.220
SI 2.801 2.941 3.026 3.332 3.055 3.928
SK 5.094 4.654 4.970 5.310 5.211 5.959
FI 3.107 2.927 3.285 3.396 3.717 3.709
SE 19.842 11.990 12.669 12.772 14.410 11.954
EU 27 1.029.160 935.562 1.006.777 1.079.912 1.091.423 1.165.699

Source: Eurostat

6.9 Transport of passengers per mode - Comparison EU 27/World

Passenger transport
(billion pkm)
EU 27 (2020) USA (2020) Japan (2019) China (2020) Russia (2020)
Passenger car 3.583,0 6.927,1 5,5 464,1
Bus, trolley-bus and coach 293,6 515,3 60,1 130,5
Railway 227,3 20,0 435 826,6 78,6
Tram and metro 53,9 12,6 51,2
Waterborne 10,3 0,7 3,2 3,3 0,7
Air (domestic/intra EU) 177,9 1 214,2 94,5 631,1 323,0


Source: Eurostat, Japan Statistics Bureau, US Bureau of Transportation Statisitics, Goskom STAT (Russia), National Bureau of Statistics of China, International Transport Forum

6.10 Motorisation: Comparison EU 27/ World, 2020 ( cars/ 1000 inhabitants)

Source: EC

6.11 Passenger Transport volume and modal split 1995-2019 ( Billion passenger-kilometres)

Source: EC