Road Network 2019

2.1 Length of total road network by category(*) by country, end of 2016 (km)

Motorways Main or national roads Secondary or regional roads Other roads** Total
BE 1 763 13 229 1 349 138 869  155 210
BG  740 2 983 4 028 12 515  20 266
CZ 1 223 5 807 48 727 74 919  130 676
DK 1 255 2 598 70 705  74 558
DE 12 996 38 068 178 906  229 970
EE  145 3 869 12 580 42 342  58 936
IE  916 4 390 13 120 80 472  98 898
EL 1 843 9 299 30 864 75 600  117 606
ES 15 444 14 946 135 094 501 053  666 537
FR 11 612 9 585 381 319 700 849 1 103 365
HR 1 310 6 937 9 504 9 003  26 754
IT 6 943 21 686 155 668 74 719  259 016
CY  272 2 219 2 313 5 066  9 870
LV 1 672 5 467 60 903  68 042
LT  314 6 362 14 568 50 664  71 908
LU  161  837 1 891  2 889
HU 1 924 30 062 174 599  206 585
MT 2 855  2 855
NL 2 758 2 599 7 757 126 180  139 294
AT 1 743 10 939 23 724 100 633  137 040
PL 1 640 17 748 153 865 246 983  420 236
PT 3 065 6 457 4 791  14 313
RO  747 16 865 35 361 33 107  86 080
SI  773 5 762 13 364 18 879  38 777
SK  463 3 580 13 974 38 895  56 912
FI  890 12 575 13 451 51 065  77 981
SE 2 118 13 576 156 920 42 291  214 905
UK 3 764 49 110 33 191 336 244  422 310
AL   0
ME 7 811  7 811
MK  259  640 3 778 9 733  14 410
RS  610 4 034 11 392 29 374  45 410
TR 2 542 31 106 33 513 175 429  242 590
IS  11 4 919 2 950 5 010  12 890
NO  392 10 695 44 541 39 406  95 034
CH 1 447  393 17 854 51 846  71 540

Source: Eurostat, International Road Federation, national statistics, estimates 
*: the definition of road types varies from country to country, the data are therefore not comparable.
“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.
*BE end of 2009 EL end of 2010 IT end of 2015 UK 1st of April 2016 IS end of 2011

2.2 Length of total road network by country, 2016 (km)

Source: EC, IRF

“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.

BE end of 2009
EL end of 2010
IT end of 2015
UK 1st April 2016
IS end of 2011

2.3 Density of the total road network in EU countries, 2016 (km road/ km² land area)

Source: EC

*: the definition of road types varies from country to country, the data are therefore not comparable.
“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.
BE end of 2009
EL end of 2010
UK 1st Apri,2014
IS end of 2011
MT end of 2012

2.4 Length of motorway network in EU countries, 2016 (km)

Source: Eurostat, International Road Federation, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, ASECAP statistical bulletin, national statistics, estimates
CZ: as from 2016 most of expressways have been changed into class II motorways.
ES: ‘autopistas de peaje’ and ‘autovías y autopistas libres’
CY: from 2006: without urban M-ways
NL: all national roads (‘Rijkswegen’) with dual carriageways
UK: data refers to the 1st of April.

2.5 Proportion of motorways compared to the total road network in EU countries, 2016 (%)

Source: EC
“Other roads” sometimes includes roads without a hard surface.
BE end of 2009
EL end of 2010
UK 1st Apri,2014
IS end of 2011
MT end of 2012

2.6 Density of motorways in EU countries, 2016 (km motorway per 100 km² land area)

Source: Eurostat, EC
BE end of 2009
EL end of 2010
UK 1st Apri,2014
IS end of 2011
MT end of 2012

2.7 Passenger cars per km of motorway in EU countries, 2016

Source: Eurostat, EC, UNECE statistical database
Stock at end of year, except for BE: 1 August (1 July in 2012), CH: 30 September
Taxis are usually included.

2.8 Transport network Comparison between EU 28, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2016 (thousand km)

EU 28 USA (1) Japan (2) China Russia
Road network
5.000 4.426 998 3.756 1.054
Motorway network 76,8 97,9 9,0 104,4 52,0
Railway network 217,1 202,3 19,2 103,1 85,4
Electrified rail lines 116,6 11,5 36,0 43,1

Source: Eurostat, International Road Federation, International Transport Forum, Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, national statistics, estimates 
(1): Divided highways with 4 or more lanes (rural or urban interstate, freeways, expressways, arterial and collector) with full access control by the authorities.
(2): Japan: national expressways.
(3): Russia: federal roads.
(4): USA: a sum of partly overlapping networks.
(5): China: both oil and gas pipelines
(6): Russia: only crude oil pipelines. 17 thousand km of oil products pipelines are not included.
(7): USA: light duty vehicles, short wheel and long wheel base.
(8): Japan: ordinary, small and light four-wheeled vehicles.
(9): Japan: including 8.7 million light motor vehicles.

2.9 Density of motorways Comparison between EU 28, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2016 (km motorway per km² land area)

Source: EC, IRF
Area EU 28: including French overseas department

2.10 Passenger cars per km of motorway. Comparison between EU 28, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2016

Source: EC, IRF
(1) USA: data are from 2009

2.11 Cars/1000 person in EU 28, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2016

Source: EC