Safety 2024

7.1 Road accidents involving personal injury by country, 2000-2022

2000 2005 2010 2015 2019 2020 2021 2022 % evolution 21/22 % evolution 2000/2022
AT 42.126 40.896 35.348 37.960 35.736 30.670 32.774 34.869 6,39 -20,53
BE 49.065 48.968 45.745 40.300 37.719 30.251 34.660 37.643 8,61 -24,97
BG 6.886 8.224 6.609 7.225 6.730 5.710 6.080 6.609 8,70 -4,19
HR 14.430 15.679 13.272 11.038 9.695 7.710 9.146 10.005 9,39 -33,34
CZ 25.445 25.239 19.676 21.561 20.806 18.419 18.156 19.733 8,69 -29,03
DK 7.346 5.412 3.498 2.853 2.808  —  —  —  —  —
EE 1.504 2.341 1.347 1.376 1.406 1.368 1.568 1.700 8,42 14,55
FI 6.633 7.022 6.072 5.185 4.002 3.608 3.243 3.076 -5,15 -58,58
FR 121.223 84.525 67.288 56.603 56.016 45.121 53.540 52.380 -2,17 -102,31
DE 382.949 336.619 288.297 305.659 300.143 264.499 258.987 289.672 11,85 -32,35
EL 23.001 16.914 15.032 11.440 10.737 9.083 10.454 10.875 4,03 -80,67
HU 17.493 20.777 16.308 16.331 16.627 13.778 14.233 14.748 3,62 -16,83
IE 7.757 6.533 5.780 5.831 5.819 4.428 4.913  —  —  —
IT 256.546 240.011 212.997 174.539 172.183 118.298 151.875 165.889 9,23 -42,56
LV 4.482 4.466 3.193 3.692 3.724 3.414 3.399 3.362 -1,09 -35,08
LT 5.807 6.772 3.530 3.033 3.188 2.788 2.784 2.893 3,92 -82,55
LU 901 777 876 983  —  —  —  —  —  —
MT 12.654 15.584 13.727 15.504  —  —  —  —  —  —
NL 10.873 8.929 3.853 18.523  —  —  —  —  —  —
PL 57.331 48.100 38.832 32.967 30.288 23.540 22.816 21.322 -6,55 -92,73
PT 44.159 37.066 35.426 31.953 37.256 27.725  —  —  —  —
RO 7.555 7.226 25.996 28.944 31.146  —  —  —  —  —
SK 7.884 7.903 6.570 5.502 5.410 4.555 4.541 4.728 4,12 -48,04
SI 8.469 10.309 7.560 6.585 6.025 4.780 5.330 5.983 12,25 -32,88
ES 101.729 91.187 85.503 97.756 104.080 72.959  —  —  —  —
SE 15.770 18.094 16.500 14.672 13.684 12.243 12.625 12.608 -0,13 -19,16
EU 27 1.240.018 1.115.573 978.835 958.015 915.228 704.947 651.124 698.095 7,21 -55,36

Source: OECD

7.2 Road accidents involving personal injury per one thousand population in selected EU countries, 2022

Source: Eurostat and OECD
The definition of an accident involving personal injury differs from country to country.

7.3 Road fatalities in EU countries, 2016-2022

Country 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 evolution
BE 670 609 604 646 499 516 540 4,65 -19,40
BG 708 682 610 628 463 561 531 -5,35 -25,00
CZ 611 577 656 618 518 532 527 -0,94 -13,75
DK 211 175 171 199 163 130 154 18,46 -27,01
DE 3.206 3.180 3.275 3.046 2.719 2.562 2.788 8,82 -13,04
EE 71 48 67 52 59 55 49 -10,91 -30,99
IE 182 154 135 140 146 137 155 13,14 -14,84
EL 824 731 700 688 584 624 654 4,81 -20,63
ES 1.810 1.830 1.806 1.755 1.370 1.533 1.746 13,89 -3,54
FR 3.471 3.444 3.246 3.237 2.538 2.931 3.260 11,22 -6,08
HR 307 331 317 297 237 292 275 -5,82 -10,42
IT 3.283 3.378 3.334 3.173 2.395 2.875 3.159 9,88 -3,78
CY 46 53 49 52 48 45 37 -17,78 -19,57
LV 158 136 148 132 139 147 113 -23,13 -28,48
LT 188 191 173 186 175 148 120 -18,92 -36,17
LU 32 25 36 22 26 24 36 50,00 12,50
HU 607 625 633 602 460 544 537 -1,29 -11,53
MT 23 19 18 16 12 9 26 188,89 13,04
NL 533 535 598 586 515 509 655 28,68 22,89
AT 432 414 409 416 344 362 370 2,21 -14,35
PL 3.026 2.831 2.862 2.909 2.491 2.245 1.896 -15,55 -37,34
PT 563 602 700 688 536 561 618 10,16 9,77
RO 1.913 1.951 1.867 1.864 1.644 1.779 1.633 -8,21 -14,64
SI 130 104 91 102 80 114 85 -25,44 -34,62
SK 275 276 260 270 247 247 266 7,69 -3,27
FI 258 238 239 211 223 225 196 -12,89 -24,03
SE 270 253 324 221 204 210 227 8,10 -15,93
EU 27 23.808 23.392 23.328 22.756 18.835 19.917 20.653 3,70 -13,25

Source: Eurostat

7.4 Percentage change in road fatalities between 2016 and 2022 (%)

Source: Eurostat

7.5 Road fatalities country rankings, 2021

per million inhabitants per 10 billion pkm per million passenger cars
MT 17 DK 22 MT 29
SE 20 SE 23 SE 42
DK 22 IE 25 DK 47
IE 27 LU 31 DE 53
NL 29 DE 32 LU 55
DE 31 MT 34 NL 58
ES 32 FI 35 IE 61
LU 37 FR 40 FI 62
AT 40 EE 40 ES 62
FI 41 NL 43 EE 67
EE 41 SI 44 AT 71
FR 43 LT 47 IT 72
BE 45 AT 51 FR 76
EU-27 45 EU-27 52 CY 77
SK 45 IT 52 EU-27 79
IT 49 ES 52 BE 87
CY 50 BE 53 CZ 88
CZ 51 CZ 58 PL 88
LT 53 EL 60 LT 93
SI 54 PT 62 SI 97
PT 54 CY 68 SK 100
HU 56 HU 79 PT 100
EL 59 SK 88 EL 112
PL 59 PL 95 HU 137
HR 74 LV 104 HR 165
LV 78 BG 105 LV 196
BG 82 HR 118 BG 197
RO 93 RO 156 RO 239

Source: EC
Inhabitants: the average population in 2020, Eurostat

7.6 Lives saved per million inhabitants in EU countries in 2021 (compared to 2001)

Source: EC, OECD

7.7 Evolution of road fatalities and injured in EU 27, 2000-2022

Source: OECD, data extracted on 17/06/2024
No data for CY

7.8 Road fatalities by mode of transport in EU 2022

7.9 PTWs fatalities in selected EU countries, 2021 (%)

Source: CARE database (DG Mobility and Transport), national sources.
Persons deceased within 30 days of their accident. PL – the figure for Heavy good vehicles includes Lorries < 3.5 tonnes.

7.10 Road fatalities by gender in EU countries, 2021 (%)

Country % male % female Total Unknown* Female Male Year
BE 77,96 20,19 540 10 109 421 2022
BG 77,69 25,99 531 1 138 392 2022
CZ 75,33 22,20 527 13 117 397 2022
DK 76,62 23,38 154 0 36 118 2022
DE 75,36 24,50 2788 4 683 2101 2022
EE 65,31 32,65 49 1 16 32 2022
IE 74,31 25,69 144 0 37 107 2020
EL 83,97 16,03 624 0 100 524 2021
ES 77,32 22,62 1746 1 395 1350 2022
FR 77,94 22,06 3260 0 719 2541 2022
HR 76,73 23,27 275 0 64 211 2022
IT 81,64 18,36 3159 0 580 2579 2022
CY 83,78 16,22 37 0 6 31 2022
LV 67,63 31,65 139 1 44 94 2020
LT 72,50 25,83 120 2 31 87 2022
LU 61,11 38,89 36 0 14 22 2022
HU 72,25 27,00 537 4 145 388 2022
MT 66,67 33,33 9 0 3 6 2021
NL 70,08 29,92 655 0 196 459 2022
AT 72,16 27,84 370 0 103 267 2022
PL 75,79 24,16 1896 1 458 1437 2022
PT 80,91 19,09 618 0 118 500 2022
RO 76,24 23,76 1633 0 388 1245 2022
SI 77,65 22,35 85 0 19 66 2022
SK 81,58 18,42 266 0 49 217 2022
FI 72,45 27,55 196 0 54 142 2022
SE 73,57 24,23 227 5 55 167 2022

*Unknown means that gender or/and road user type variable is unknown

Source: Eurostat
LV 2020 figures
MT 2021 figures
EL 2021 figures
IE 2020 figures

7.11 Road fatalities by age group in EU* and selected countries, 2021

0- 14 15-24 25-64 >65 Uknown  age
Australia 41 209 612 247 6
EU 27 355 2462 9490 4642 117
Israel 27 86 173 75 3
Japan 38 238 1003 1926 0
USA 1184 7079 26958 7489 229

Source: IRTAD
* no data for BG, EE, HR, CY, LV, MT,NL, RO and SK

7.12 Speed limits, blood alcohol limits in EU

Speed limit, cars (in general), km/h: Blood alcohol limit, grams of alcohol in 1 litre of blood
Built-up areas Outside built-up areas Motorways
BE 30/50 70 / 90  / 120 120 0,5
BG 50 90 120/140 0,5
CZ 50 90 / 110 130 0
DK 50 80 130 0,5
DE 50 100 (130) 0,5
EE 50 90 90 0,2
IE 50 80 / 100 120 0,5
EL 50 90 110 / 130 0,5
ES 50 80 / 90 90 / 120 0,5
FR 50 80 / 90 110 / 130 0,5
HR 50 90 130 0,5
IT 50 90 130 0,5
CY 30 / 50 80 100 0,5
LV 50 90 0,5
LT 50 70 / 90 110 / 130 0,4
LU 50 90 130 0,5
HU 50 90 110 / 130 0
MT 40 / 50 60 / 80 80 0,8
NL 50 80 100 / 120 / 130 0,5
AT 50 100 130 0,5
PL 50 / 60 90 / 100 120 / 140 0,2
PT 50 90 100 / 120 0,5
RO 50 90 / 100 130 0
SI 50 90 110 / 130 0,5
SK 50 90 130 0
FI 50 80 80 / 120 0,22
SE 50 70 110 0,2
ME 50 80 / 100 130 0,3
MK 50 80 / 100 120 0,5
AL 40 80 / 90 110 0,1
RS 60 80 / 100 120 0,5
TR 50 90 / 110 120 0,5
IS 50 80 / 90 0,5
NO 50 80 100 0,2
CH 50 80 / 100 100 / 120 0,5
UA 50 90 130 0,0
UK 48 96 112 0,8

Source: EC Road Safety website, national sources, International Transport Forum, The European Traffic Police Organization

Notes :
UK, IE, CY and MT drive on the left hand side of the road, the other Member States drive on the right hand side (Sweden since 3 September 1967). Signs in UK are in miles per hour.
The reported speed limits refer to general circumstances. Different speed limits might apply in residential or pedestrian areas, on the basis of weather conditions, the time of the day, the vehicle driven, the season, the visibility or unless otherwise stated by traffic signs. The higher figure shown in the “outside built-up areas” column generally refers to the speed limit on dual carriageways that are not motorways.

Speed limits:
BE: 70 km/h outside built-up areas in the Flemish Region.
DE: Motorways: No general speed limit, recommended speed limit is 130 km/h (more than half the network has a speed limit of 120 km/h or less).
ES: different speed limits apply on non-urban roads according to the presence of hard shoulders, or if the vehicle is equipped with a trailer or dangerous goods.

Blood alcohol limits:
In many countries, special (more restrictive) rules apply to novice (i.e. new, unexperienced) and professional drivers

7.13 Fatalities at 30 days by road user type in EU countries 2022

Source: Eurostat

7.14 Fatalities at 30 days by road type in EU countries 2022

Source: Eurostat