Freight Transport 2024

5.1 Transport of goods, performance by mode in EU 27, 1995-2021 (billion tkm)

Road Rail Inland Waterways Pipelines Sea Air Total
1995 1 127  375  122  104  671  1 2400
1996 1 136  379  120  108  680  1 2423
1997 1 182  394  128  108  699  2 2513
1998 1 242  377  131  115  722  2 2588
1999 1 294  367  129  113  743  2 2648
2000 1 344  388  134  116  770  2 2753
2001 1 389  369  132  122  782  2 2797
2002 1 439  368  132  119  794  2 2854
2003 1 441  376  123  121  807  2 2870
2004 1 588  390  137  123  836  2 3075
2005 1 588  395  139  127  844  2 3094
2006 1 639  416  138  126  843  2 3164
2007 1 698  431  145  118  843  2 3237
2008 1 676  422  147  115  841  2 3203
2009 1 515  344  133  112  770  2 2875
2010 1 558  375  155  111  834  2 3036
2011 1 542  401  142  108  850  2 3045
2012 1 482  385  150  105  838  2 2962
2013 1 516  384  153  102  851  2 3008
2014 1 527  389  151  101  875  2 3045
2015 1 562  399  147  104  871  2 3 085
2016 1 620  407  147  105  909  2 3 190
2017 1 707  411  147  104  917  2 3 289
2018 1 707  418  131  104  977  2 3 340
2019 1 765  408  140  101  980  2 3 395
2020 1 745  377  132  92  920  2 3 268
2021 1 863  410  136  89  933  2 3 432
1995 -2021 65,2% 8,1% 11,6% -14,6% 38,9% 66,8% 43,0%
2000 -2021 38,6% 5,6% 1,8% -23,3% 21,2% 36,2% 24,7%
2020-2021 6,7% 8,6% 3,3% -3,3% 1,4% 15,8% 5,0%

Source: EC

Road: national and international haulage by vehicles registered in the EU-27 until 2004, from 2005 onwards the activity performed by European drivers within the EU territory.
Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-27 transport; estimates for air and for sea based on Eurostat data. The time series for maritime activity from 1995 to 2004 and for aviation activity from 1995 to 2007 have been recalibrated by DG MOVE in line with the new EU-27 figures to avoid break in series.

5.2 Goods transport by mode in EU 27, 2021 (% of billion tkm)

Source: EC
Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-27 transport; estimates for air and for sea based on Eurostat data. The time series for maritime activity from 1995 to 2004 and for aviation activity from 1995 to 2007 have been recalibrated by DG MOVE in line with the new EU-27 figures to avoid break in series.
Road: national and international haulage by vehicles registered in the EU-27 until 2004, from 2005 onwards the activity performed by European drivers within the EU territory.

5.3 Freight transport modal split in EU 27, 2000-2021 (% of tkm)

Road Rail Inland Waterways Pipelines Sea Air
2000 48,8 14,1 4,9 4,2 28,0 0,1
2001 49,7 13,2 4,7 4,4 27,9 0,1
2002 50,4 12,9 4,6 4,2 27,8 0,1
2003 50,2 13,1 4,3 4,2 28,1 0,1
2004 51,6 12,7 4,4 4,0 27,2 0,1
2005 51,3 12,8 4,5 4,1 27,3 0,1
2006 51,8 13,2 4,4 4,0 26,6 0,1
2007 52,4 13,3 4,5 3,7 26,0 0,1
2008 52,3 13,2 4,6 3,6 26,3 0,1
2009 52,7 12,0 4,6 3,9 26,8 0,1
2010 51,3 12,4 5,1 3,7 27,5 0,1
2011 50,6 13,2 4,7 3,6 27,9 0,1
2012 50,0 13,0 5,1 3,5 28,3 0,1
2013 50,4 12,8 5,1 3,4 28,3 0,1
2014 50,2 12,8 4,9 3,3 28,7 0,1
2015 50,6 12,9 4,8 3,4 28,2 0,1
2016 50,8 12,8 4,6 3,3 28,5 0,1
2017 51,9 12,5 4,5 3,2 27,9 0,1
2018 51,1 12,5 3,9 3,1 29,2 0,1
2019 52,0 12,0 4,1 3,0 28,9 0,1
2020 53,4 11,5 4,0 2,8 28,1 0,1
2021 54,3 11,9 4,0 2,6 27,2 0,1

Source: EC

Road: national and international haulage by vehicles registered in the EU-27 until 2004, from 2005 onwards the activity performed by European drivers within the EU territory.

5.4 Inland transport modal split in EU 27, 2021 (% of tkm)

Source: EC

5.5 Performance of inland freight transport by mode in EU countries, 2021 (billion tkm)

Road (*) Railways Inland Waterways (**) Pipelines (Oil) (***)
EU-27 1921,4 409,6 136,1 91,7
BE 36,2 6,8 8,2 1,6
BG 35,1 4,7 5,8 0,6
CZ 63,8 16,3 0,001 1,7
DK 15,3 2,0 1,0
DE 307,3 123,9 48,2 16,7
EE 5,2 2,1
IE 12,5 0,1
EL 21,1 0,6 0
ES 270,2 10,3 7,8
FR 174,9 35,8 7,2 9,5
HR 13,6 3,2 0,8 1,6
IT 145 24,3 0,1 9,1
CY 0,7
LV 15,1 7,4 0,5
LT 57,8 14,6 0,003 0,2
LU 6,9 0,2 0,2
HU 37,1 11,3 1,9 2,4
MT 0,3
NL 70,2 7,2 47,4 5,2
AT 27,3 21,8 1,5 7,7
PL 379,8 54,4 0,1 20,4
PT 32,1 1,9 0,3
RO 61,8 13,6 13,5 1,1
SI 25 4,9
SK 30,2 8,2 0,8 4,4
FI 29,6 10,8 0,1
SE 47,5 23,4 0,1


Source: EC
(*) National and international haulage by vehicles registered in the reporting country (including cross-trade and cabotage). Only haulage of heavy goods vehicles (usually > 3,5 tonnes load capacity)
(**) For FI only shipborne transport (i.e. no floating) IT, LT, FI and UK: data include only national traffic BG, HR and RO: data include transit traffic from 2009 (and partially in 2008) HR: data include transit traffic from 2008 onward
(***) Data are not harmonised and therefore not fully comparable; in most countries, only pipelines longer than 40km are included. DE: only crude oil (i.e. no refined petroleum products) DK: crude oil including water

5.6 Performance by mode for inland freight transport in EU 27, 1995-2021 (billion tkm)

Source: ΕC

5.7 Total road freight transport in EU countries, 2022 (1.000 tonnes and million tkm)

Million tkm
BE 273.307 33.480
BG 160.488 35.134
CZ 473.688 65.794
DK 174.842 15.162
DE 3.060.964 303.948
EE 27.156 4.540
IE 162.902 12.364
EL 290.027 21.182
ES 1.587.697 266.724
FR 1.631.139 173.353
HR 86.417 13.659
IT 1.047.318 151.100
CY 38.550 949
LV 80.906 14.581
LT 100.752 53.773
LU 50.339 7.353
HU 204.708 37.444
NL 694.946 67.148
AT 390.419 26.830
PL 1.599.513 385.089
PT 143.483 32.039
RO 324.554 64.353
SI 103.842 24.308
SK 160.802 31.488
FI 243.739 30.590
SE 476.784 47.865
TOTAL 13.651.391 1.921.179

Source: Eurostat
no data for MT

5.8 Transport of dangerous goods* in EU countries, 2016-2022 (million tkm)

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
BE 4070 3.838 3.003 3.591 3.221 2.991 2.579
BG 469 591 400 240 907 869 1.515
CZ 2224 1.895 1.516 1.611 2.081 2.153 2.376
DK 699 621 734 728 832 874 819
DE 12725 12.934 12.835 12.793 11.758 11.771 11.818
EE 145 208 215 211 126 154 210
IE 306 146 102 112 77 80 12
EL 714 1.451 1.178 1.127 882 949 876
ES 11538 12.735 13.210 12.710 11.609 12.502 11.503
FR 9747 9.737 9.059 8.287 9.089 8.747 8.731
HR 531 582 713 820 707 751 665
IT 6635 7.918 8.439 9.293 9.215 7.986 4.458
CY 165 193 146 79 87 80 92
LV 335 282 296 272 311 354 371
LT 591 593 582 629 445 591 484
LU 431 426 491 495 386 305 199
HU 1315 1.273 1.204 1.017 1.150 1.186 949
NL 1181 1.296 1.467 1.496 1.375 1.371 1.197
AT 1010 1.033 968 995 912 955 1.051
PL 8444 8.785 7.386 9.441 8.255 9.247 7.701
PT 983 1.035 665 750 649 731 670
RO 2326 2.490 1.944 1.936 1.711 2.260 2.546
SI 857 890 1.062 1.068 1.248 1.405 1.195
SK 398 496 384 300 462 451 300
FI 2201 1.888 1.945 2.294 2.189 2.045 3.224
SE 1794 1.983 1.585 1.431 1.676 1.818 1.913
EU 27 71.835 75.321 71.527 73.726 71.357 72.628 67.455

Source: Eurostat no data for MT
*Total of dangerous goods includes: Explosives; Gases – compressed, liquified, dissolved under pressure; Flammable liquids and solids; Substances liable to spontaneous combustion; Substance emitting flammable gases (with water); Oxidising substances; Organic peroxides; Toxic substances; Substances liable to cause infections; Radioactive material; Corrosives; Miscellaneous dangerous substances.

5.9 Registration of commercial vehicles in EU and selected countries, 2022-2023

Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) Up to 3,5 t
Country 2023 2022 Evolution 2023-2022
AT 30.573 24.651 24,0%
BE 67.549 56.102 20,4%
DK 25.681 27.144 -5,4%
HR 7.463 5.630 32,6%
CZ 22.769 16.899 34,7%
CY 1.766 1.957 -9,8%
DE 259.376 231.290 12,1%
EE 3.910 4.142 -5,6%
FI 11.192 12.894 -13,2%
FR 347.069 431.385 -19,5%
EL 10.144 9.664 5,0%
HU 20.749 17.652 17,5%
IE 28.943 23.510 23,1%
IT 195.618 159.426 22,7%
LV 2.699 2.406 12,2%
LT 3.104 3.321 -6,5%
LU 5.410 4.004 35,1%
NL 69.297 59.173 17,1%
PL 64.522 62.236 3,7%
PT 28.523 23.637 20,7%
RO 17.212 14.826 16,1%
SK 9.107 7.679 18,6%
SI 7.685 7.132 7,8%
ES 146.142 119.784 22,0%
SE 43.713 34.516 26,6%
EU 27 1.467.001 1.280.235 14,6%
IS 1.971 1.607 22,7%
NO 29.574 29.481 0,3%
CH 30.570 25.170 21,5%

Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles Over 3.5 t

Country 2023 2022 Evolution 2023-2022
AT 8.008 7.079 13,1%
BE 10.058 8.566 17,4%
DK 4973 4872 2,1%
HR 2.048 1.508 35,8%
CZ 10408 8971 16,0%
CY 159 94 69,1%
DE 94.820 76.218 24,4%
EE 872 940 -7,2%
FI 3.942 3.339 18,1%
FR 49.613 44.567 11,3%
EL 726 676 7,4%
HU 6.359 5.707 11,4%
IE 2.654 2.203 20,5%
IT 28.628 25.688 11,4%
LV 1.868 1.672 11,7%
LT 10.662 9.941 7,3%
LU 1.832 1.425 28,6%
NL 16.139 13.291 21,4%
PL 35.472 34.876 1,7%
PT 6.922 4.707 47,1%
RO 8.489 7.115 19,3%
SK 3.939 3.160 24,7%
SI 2.526 2.306 9,5%
ES 28.685 23.462 22,3%
SE 7.184 6.024 19,3%
EU 27 346986 298.407 16,3%
IS 423 287 47,4%
NO 649 5.603 -88,4%
CH 4.482 3.716 20,6%

Source: ACEA