Road Network 2024

2.1 Length of total road network by category(*) by country, end of 2021* (km)

Motorways Main or national roads Secondary or regional roads Other roads** Total
BE 1 763 13 229 1 349 138 869  155 210
BG  806 2 883 4 019 12 217  19 925
CZ 1 346 5 800 48 692 74 919  130 757
DK 1 355 2 606 70 935  74 896
DE 13 155 37 824 178 622  —  229 601
EE  199 3 813 12 921 48 723  65 656
IE  995 5 419 13 382 83 386  103 182
EL 2 159 9 229 30 864 75 600  117 852
ES 15 860 14 880 134 945 501 053  666 738
FR 11 664 9 581 378 906 704 942 1 105 094
HR 1 316 7 180 9 422 8 494  26 412
IT 6 978 28 307 132 626 67 532  235 443
CY  257 5 461 2 461 5 047  13 226
LV  — 20 034 28 967 8 457  57 458
LT  400 6 679 14 559 52 139  73 777
LU  163  850 1 877  19  2 909
HU 1 860 30 662 183 989  216 511
MT  — 2 855  —  2 855
NL 2 790 2 743 7 905 127 804  141 242
AT 1 749 10 762 23 555 91 916  127 982
PL 1 761 19 498 153 782 256 536  431 577
PT 3 065 6 469 4 791  —  14 325
RO  931 16 599 35 096 33 573  86 199
SI  616 5 925 32 259  38 800
SK  545 3 643 13 964 39 670  57 822
FI  944 12 514 13 461 50 987  77 906
SE 2 185 13 497 141 187 43 156  200 025
ME  — 8 453  8 453
MK  335  897 3 794 9 719  14 745
RS  932 13 527 30 453  44 912
TR 3 523 30 974 34 136 187 695  256 328
IS  41 4 370 3 380 5 158  12 949
NO  580 10 511 44 730 39 879  95 700
CH 1 544  710 17 219 64 640  84 113



Source: Eurostat [road_if_roadsc], International Road Federation ( (BE, EL, LU, MT, IS), national statistics
*BE end of 2015; EL: 2018; LU: 2018 (other roads); IT, RS and TR: 2020 data;
CY: other road network includes forest gravel roads
**: the definition of road types varies from country to country, the data are therefore not fully comparable. CY: other road network includes forest gravel roads.

2.2 Length of total road network by country, 2021 (km)

Source: EC, IRF
BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
LU: 2018
IT: 2020 data

2.3 Density of the total road network in EU countries, 2021 (km road/ km² land area)

Source: EC

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
LU: 2018
IT: 2020 data

2.4 Length of motorway network in EU countries, 2021 (km)

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
LU: 2018
IT: 2020 data

2.5 Proportion of motorways compared to the total road network in EU countries, 2021 (%)

Source: EC
BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
LU: 2018
IT: 2020 data

2.6 Density of motorways in EU countries, 2021 (km motorway per 100 km² land area)

Source: Eurostat, EC

BE end of 2015
EL end of 2018
LU: 2018
IT: 2020 data

2.7 Passenger cars per km of motorway in selected countries, 2021

Stock at end of year, except for BE: 1 August (1 July in 2012), CH: 30 September.
Taxis are usually included.
HR: from 2009 light vans are included in passenger cars and no longer in goods vehicles
FR: provisional data for 2020

2.8 Transport network Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2021 (thousand km)

EU 27 USA (1) Japan (2) China(4) Russia(3)
Road network
4.473,0 4.577 1.069 5.062 1.212
Motorway network 75,0 92,8 9,2 169,1 64,0
Railway network 203,0 197,0 18,9 150,7 87,0
Electrified rail lines 114,0  — 11,7 110,8 45,0

Source: Chapter 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7, International Transport Forum (fatalities data for JP, RU all data) , Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer (JP, CN), national statistics (CN, JP, US)
(1):2020 data. Divided highways with 4 or more lanes (rural or urban interstate, freeways, expressways, arterial and collector) with full access control by the authorities. For the railways data:a sum of partly overlapping networks.
(2): Japan: national expressways.2020 data.
(3): RU: roads of federal importance.
(4): China: both oil and gas pipelines

2.9 Density of motorways Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2021 (km motorway per km² land area)

Source: EC

2.10 Passenger cars per km of motorway. Comparison between EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2021

Source: Eurostat, International Road Federation, International Transport Forum, Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer, national statistics

2.11 Cars/1000 person in EU 27, USA, Japan, Russia and China, 2021

Source: EC