Passenger Transport 2020

6.1 Transport of passengers by mode in EU 28, 1995-2017 (billion pkm)

Passenger Cars P2W Bus & Coach Railway
1995 3 904  113  515  343
1996 3 968  114  519  348
1997 4 047  119  522  348
1998 4 145  123  526  348
1999 4 255  127  528  355
2000 4 301  105  545  377
2001 4 387  109  544  379
2002 4 464  111  536  372
2003 4 495  114  542  368
2004 4 552  117  543  375
2005 4 508  121  542  384
2006 4 549  120  540  397
2007 4 597  116  551  404
2008 4 602  121  559  420
2009 4 675  118  536  412
2010 4 626  119  530  414
2011 4 593  123  531  423
2012 4 498  123  526  428
2013 4 549  122  523  434
2014 4 615  125  518  441
2015 4 712  125  528  448
2016 4 827  126  527  455
2017 4 901  123  510  470
1995 -2017 25,5% 9,5% -0,8% 37,0%
per year 1,0% 0,4% -0,0% 1,4%
2000-2017 14,0% 17,8% -6,4% 24,6%
per year 0,8% 1,0% -0,4% 1,3%
2016-2017 1,5% -2,4% -3,1% 3,3%


Tram & Metro Air Sea Total
1995  74  348  31 5 327
1996  75  368  31 5 423
1997  76  392  30 5 534
1998  77  411  30 5 660
1999  79  427  30 5 800
2000  80  460  29 5 896
2001  81  455  29 5 985
2002  82  447  30 6 041
2003  82  466  30 6 097
2004  85  496  30 6 198
2005  86  530  29 6 201
2006  88  552  28 6 274
2007  90  575  28 6 360
2008  94  563  32 6 391
2009  93  524  27 6 386
2010  96  535  25 6 344
2011  97  577  22 6 366
2012  99  570  21 6 266
2013  99  580  21 6 329
2014  101  610  22 6 431
2015  102  640  22 6 576
2016  105  713  25 6 779
2017  107  777  24 6 913
1995 -2017 45,4% 123,3% -21,2% 29,8%
per year 1,7% 3,7% -1,1% 1,2%
2000-2017 33,8% 69,1% -16,1% 17,3%
per year 1,7% 3,1% -1,0% 0,9%
2016-2017 1,7% 8,9% -2,9% 2,0%

Source : EC
(*) Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-28 transport; provisional estimates
(**) P2W: Powered two-wheelers

6.2 Evolution of passenger transport by mode in EU 28, 1995-2017

Source : EC
(*) Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-28 transport; provisional estimates

6.3 Passenger transport modal split in EU 28, 2017 (pkm in %)

Source : EC
(*) Air and Sea: only domestic and intra-EU-28 transport; provisional estimates
(**) P2W: Powered two-wheelers

6.4 Modal split of passenger transport on land by country in EU countries, 2017 ( billion pkm and pkm in %)

Passenger cars
(billion pkm)
Passenger  cars (%) Buses and coaches*
(billion pkm)
Buses and coaches (%)   Railways
(billion pkm)
Railways (%) Urban rail*
(tram & metro)
(billion pkm)
Urban rail
(tram & metro) (%)
(billion pkm)
BE 106,9 81,10 13,4 10,13 10,2 7,71 1,4 0,01 131,87
BG 57,7 81,54 10,6 14,92 1,4 2,03 1,1 0,02 70,73
CZ 74,3 66,15 17,7 15,74 9,4 8,37 10,9 0,10 112,35
DK 60,0 81,18 7,3 9,87 6,3 8,49 0,3 0,00 73,97
DE 935,7 84,21 62,5 5,62 95,8 8,62 17,2 0,02 1.111,16
EE 13,1 79,88 2,8 17,15 0,4 2,23 0,1 0,01 16,38
IE 56,5 82,34 9,8 14,30 2,1 3,09 0,2 0,00 68,68
EL 101,9 81,41 20,5 16,35 1,1 0,89 1,7 0,01 125,14
ES 332,9 83,52 30,5 7,66 27,5 6,90 7,6 0,02 398,53
FR 743,4 81,04 57,2 6,23 100,1 10,91 16,7 0,02 917,38
HR 26,2 82,66 4,2 13,10 0,7 2,32 0,6 0,02 31,68
IT 744,9 82,03 103,2 11,36 53,2 5,86 6,8 0,01 908,08
CY 6,6 81,02 1,5 18,98 8,09
LV 15,0 83,83 2,2 12,12 0,6 3,34 0,1 0,01 17,87
LT 31,4 91,13 2,7 7,96 0,3 0,92 34,42
LU 7,7 82,89 1,1 12,37 0,4 4,73 9,26
HU 60,6 67,58 18,3 20,41 7,7 8,62 3,0 0,03 89,73
MT 2,6 82,48 0,6 17,52 3,17
NL 138,7 85,28 4,6 2,84 18,4 11,34 0,9 0,01 162,64
AT 81,8 72,70 10,9 9,67 12,7 11,40 7,2 0,06 112,52
PL 205,7 77,22 36,1 13,54 20,3 6,70 4,3 0,02 266,44
PT 92,2 87,60 7,4 7,05 4,5 4,10 1,1 0,01 105,24
RO 97,3 75,38 18,2 14,08 5,7 4,50 7,9 0,06 129,08
SI 27,1 86,46 3,7 11,73 0,6 2,50 31,38
SK 28,1 73,84 5,9 15,56 3,8 7,00 0,3 0,01 38,08
FI 66,6 83,60 8,2 10,34 4,3 5,20 0,6 0,01 79,67
SE 116,0 81,72 10,0 7,02 13,3 8,90 2,6 0,02 141,98
UK 670,4 84,51 39,5 4,98 68,9 8,00 14,4 0,02 793,24
EU 28 4901,42 81,84% 510,42 8,52% 469,73 7,84% 107,17 1,79% 5.988,74

Source : national statistics, International Transport Forum, Eurostat, estimates (in italics)
(*) Data is not harmonised and therefore not fully comparable. 2016 data may be provisional. Data sometimes includes activity of foreign vehicles performed within the country, therefore EU aggregates might be affected by double-counting. Generally vans are not considered in this table, but there may be exceptions.
FR: passenger-km include transport activity on the territory of vehicles not registered in France. Includes foreign vans.
UK: data refer to Great Britain only; include pkm by vans
DE: includes DE-E: 1970=24.5, 1980=56.0, 1990=90.3
CH: includes activity of foreign vehicles in the country.
TR: excludes urban traffic.
DK: figures exclude activity of vans with a mass higher than 2 000 kg.
PL: estimated activity

6.5 Passenger vehicles in EU countries, 2017

Stock of registered
passenger cars
Stock of registered
Stock of registered buses & coaches (thousand)
BE 5799,00 630,65 15,98
BG 2770,60 180,90 21,00
CZ 5538,00 1102,40 21,40
DK 2530,00 198,00 13,50
DE 46474,59 4372,98 79,40
EE 725,90 51,70 4,90
IE 2087,40 39,87 10,30
EL 5282,70 1583,49 26,39
ES 23500,40 5284,80 63,59
FR 32006,08 3034,00 100,85
HR 1596,09 154,27 5,70
IT 38520,32 9218,33 99,10
CY 526,62 39,40 3,00
LV 690,00 52,80 4,70
LT 1357,00 42,10 7,20
LU 403,30 30,30 2,00
HU 3472,00 167,40 18,70
MT 291,66 24,61 2,07
NL 8373,00 1873,16 9,90
AT 4899,00 832,20 10,00
PL 22503,00 2755,00 116,10
PT 5059,47 592,52 15,20
RO 5998,00 127,30 50,30
SI 1117,94 125,13 2,78
SK 2223,12 133,31 9,24
FI 3423,00 603,80 18,10
SE 4844,82 611,32 14,40
UK 32201,07 1255,86 113,20
EU 28 264214,08 35117,59 859,01
AL 422,00 39,96 6,80
ME 206,50 5,70 1,50
MK 403,32 14,13 3,20
RS 1969,00 62,00 9,90
TR 12035,98 3103,00 700,50

Source : EC

(*) National vehicle stock data do not always include all powered two-wheelers and are therefore not fully comparable between countries.

(**) Tricycles and quads are sometimes included in the data.

(***) Data include buses, coaches, minibuses and sometimes also trolleybuses.

(****) Taxis are usually included.

(*****) Stock at end of year, except for BE: 1 August.

6.6 Motorisation in EU countries, 2017

Motorisation (number of passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants)
BE 509
BG 393
CZ 522
DK 438
DE 561
EE 550
IE 432
EL 492
ES 504
FR 478
HR 389
IT 637
CY 609
LV 357
LT 483
LU 670
HU 355
MT 613
NL 487
AT 555
PL 593
PT 492
RO 307
SI 541
SK 408
FI 621
SE 479
UK 486
EU28 516
AL 147
ME 332
MK 194
RS 281
TR 149

Source : EC
(*) Passenger car stock at end of year n divided by the population on 1 January of year n+1.

6.7 New passenger car registration per 1.000 inhabitants in EU countries, 2018

Motorisation (number of passenger cars per 1.000 inhabitants)
LU 87,7
BE 48,2
DE 41,5
AT 38,7
DK 37,8
UK 35,7
SE 35,2
SI 35
FR 32,5
IT 31,6
EU 28 29,6
ES 28,3
IE 26
NL 25,8
CZ 24,6
PT 22,2
FI 21,9
EE 19,2
SK 18
CY 15
HR 14,6
HU 14
PL 14
LT 11,6
EL 9,6
LV 8,7
RO 6,7
BG 4,9

Source : ACEA

6.8 Motorcycle registrations in EU countries, 2010-2019

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
AT 21.510 22.750 24.808 26.020 25.192 24.891 29.763 24.893 25.955 27.654
BE 24.270 25.043 23.921 20.648 20.681 21.577 23.621 21.390 23.932 24.205
BG 127 173 116 169
CZ 12.102 12.442 13.424 14.086 12.330 13.943 15.134
DE 122.394 127.009 127.603 129.756 141.623 151.661 174.624 140.667 156.110 166.676
DK 3.258 2.032 1.983 1.869 1.936 2.417 3.139 2.806
EE 244 299 364 409 449 489 609 511 595 721
EL 59.638 44.785 31.805 28.522 30.951 32.468 38.632 27.473 32.575 37.168
ES 134.297 119.438 97.944 92.409 111.463 132.539 155.004 136.180 159.872 177.037
FI 6.054 5.692 4.986 3.967 3.467 3.157 3.022 2.829 3.203 3.323
FR 198.086 185.122 169.644 148.203 153.324 153.242 163.335 162.808 177.247 197.470
HR 1.510 1.511 1.811 2.216 2.779 3.237
HU 2.453 2.091 1.957 1.989 1.886 2.093 2.204 2.274 3.051 4.061
IE 1.042 831 663 441 800 1.022 1.470 1.311 1.371 1.718
IT 306.307 254.906 206.303 154.100 156.539 172.066 195.405 204.579 219.744 231.712
LT 230 281 224 241 294 294 390 367 414 557
LU 1.255 1.306 1.201 1.566 1.734 1.654 1.783 1.838 2.006 2.130
LV 278 472 494 477 589 595 642 624 791 1.022
NL 12.848 11.660 10.611 9.570 10.667 11.673 12.855 13.057 13.474 14.378
PL 8.719 8.957 7.760 7.394 9.848 23.865 25.823 15.025 14.550 19.200
PT 18.896 18.937 17.180 14.594 15.424 17.611 19.760 24.809 28.326 29.857
RO 558 469 555 521 593 648 952 1.115 1.525 2.159
SE 9.023 8.219 7.602 7.780 8.378 9.422 13.220 9.716 2.347 2.333
SK 2.018 1.660 1.643 1.292 1.707 1.855 2.074 2.269 5.280 5.745
SI 1.960 1.920 2.840 5.309 5.565 4.923 10.367 10.754
UK 81.397 79.721 80.874 81.646 91.509 105.717 119.889 97.713 100.411 101.273
EU 28 1.029.160 935.562 822.172 748.529 803.122 891.369 1.009.678 913.723 999.868 1.079.524

Source : ACEM

6.9 Transport of passengers per mode - Comparison EU 28/World

Passenger transport  EU 28 (2017) USA (2017) Japan (2016) China (2017) Russia (2017)
(billion pkm)
Passenger car 4.901,4 7.751,0 9.765,2
Bus, trolley-bus and coach 510,4 588,0 70,1 128,6
Railway 469,7 39,0 432 1.345,7 123,1
Tram and metro 107,2 24,3 48,4
Waterborne 24,3 0,8 3,1 7,8 0,7
Air (domestic/intra EU) 776,9 1.116,6 90,6 951,3 259,4

Source : Eurostat, Japan Statistics Bureau, US Bureau of Transportation Statisitics, Goskom STAT (Russia), National Bureau of Statistics of China, International Transport Forum, estimates (in italics)
(*) USA: Including light trucks / vans
(**) China: including buses and coaches
(***) Japan: included in railway pkm

6.10 Motorisation: Comparison EU 28/ World, 2017 ( cars/ 1000 inhabitants)

Source : EC

6.11 Passenger Transport volume and modal split 1995-2017 ( Billion passenger-kilometres)

Source : EC